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The TUKI English-Swahili Dictionary has over 50,000 entries, including technical words. It is the most up-to-date dictionary of current English and provides information on word variations, borrowed words, and connotations. The dictionary is both a decoding and an encoding dictionary and provides hints on word formation and syntax. Pronunciation is not included in this edition. The dictionary draws heavily on other works. Check out other references on this page
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Toleo hili la Karne 21, limeongezwa vidahizovipya zaidi ya 2500 ambavyo vinaashiria maendeleo mapya katika lugha ya Kiswahili. Kamusi hii inaonyesha ukuaji wa Kiswahili na matumizi yake katika nyanja zote za Siasa, Sayansi, Teknolojia ya kidijitali, mitandao ya kijamii, ubadilishanaji wa fedha na bidhaa kupitia kwa mifumo ya kimtandao miongoni mwa mengine. Shop for Kamusi ya Kiswahili Sanifu here